因为一些意外的因素,临时决定在尼斯湖边上的Port Augustus停留过夜。夕阳下极其平静的小镇、运河,和小酒馆们。
All tagged Europe
距离第一次来爱丁堡已经过去5,6年。爱丁堡在我心目中依旧是整个欧洲我最爱的城市。故地重游,没有作太多的停留。登上了上一次没有去成的Calton Hill。
北境长城。近两千年前罗马帝国疆土的极限。No sight of Night King, but there was a lost Scottish sheep…
从伦敦出发,一路开着camper van穿过苏格兰高地。途经哈德良长城(Hadrian Wall),爱丁堡,尼斯湖,最后到达Isle of Skye。
Airbnb的Photography Local Tour Guide。大航海时代的荷兰海事博物馆。荷兰黄金时代的Rijksmuseum、偏执而热烈地活着的梵高。
阿姆斯特丹是非常的安静和优雅的小城市。依着运河而建的有点年头的民居,遍地的自行车,Delft Blue,感觉有和一些中国南方水乡有神似之处。艺术气息非常浓厚,非常高水平的几座博物馆不说,街头的art gallery的水平也非常之高。城市有点小而单一化,所以3-4天比较合适(主要花在博物馆上)。食物倒是非常一般。
My only day in London was dedicated to the Tower of London. But luckily enough, I happened to run into the memorial event for WWI soldiers "Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red".
My impression of London is very limited, but I generally fancy cities with rich history, and cities with a river running through it. London fits the profile on both.
I long for the day to meet you again.
Hopped onto a guided tour for Windsor Castle, Stonehenge and Oxford with Adrian, Mariano and Jingnan. The tour was mediocre. Do not recommend.
I fell in love with Edinburgh on the very first sight when I stepped out of Edinburgh train station. It was dusk time, and the majestic castle was right in front of me, up there on the hills, staring down at me, at everyone in this city.
It was surreal.
I woke up at 4am the next day and decided I couldn't wait any longer to get to know her. Wandering between narrow alleys and city streets with no specific destination in mind has always been my favorite game when traveling. The city quickly blended into my blood, or maybe the other way around. I cannot tell any more.
History, as to ordinary people, is their fates and destinies being overshadowed by heroes and villains, their joy and tears being buried behind legends and glories, their fleshes and minds being inked but quickly washed away by blood, death, and eventually, time.
Stirling Castle is one of the witnesses of those histories being made for Scotland.
Overall summary of my UK trip in 2014 August, covering logistics, travel dates, lodging, transportation, and links to individual posts for each city I visited: London, Oxford, Windsor, Stonehenge, Cambridge, Stirling Castle and Edinburgh.