此行的目的地,Isle of Skye。一路上苏格兰高地沧桑的山峦,有一种不怒自威的庄严感。
Skye的地貌的确颇为独特。Old Man of Storr,Quiraing,Neist Point,各有各自的风貌。半夜随险峻的山路,campervan扎营到Quirang山顶,独自等待着日出。
All tagged Scotland
此行的目的地,Isle of Skye。一路上苏格兰高地沧桑的山峦,有一种不怒自威的庄严感。
Skye的地貌的确颇为独特。Old Man of Storr,Quiraing,Neist Point,各有各自的风貌。半夜随险峻的山路,campervan扎营到Quirang山顶,独自等待着日出。
距离第一次来爱丁堡已经过去5,6年。爱丁堡在我心目中依旧是整个欧洲我最爱的城市。故地重游,没有作太多的停留。登上了上一次没有去成的Calton Hill。
北境长城。近两千年前罗马帝国疆土的极限。No sight of Night King, but there was a lost Scottish sheep…
History, as to ordinary people, is their fates and destinies being overshadowed by heroes and villains, their joy and tears being buried behind legends and glories, their fleshes and minds being inked but quickly washed away by blood, death, and eventually, time.
Stirling Castle is one of the witnesses of those histories being made for Scotland.